New money means no mercy as Mike Prince takes the Axe Capital throne. Chuck Rhoades is convinced no one should have that much wealth - or power. As all the players seek out new alliances, only one thi
1. 基于美剧《亿万》剧集集简介“Prince recruits campaign support and encourages the Prince Cappers to aim high under a new directive for big swings. Chuck negotiates with a ghost from his past to advance a new agenda. Axe shares a glimpse into his new life.”,和结合金融、法律、商业背景知识对字幕翻译, 在翻译前分析整段文本的深层含义,逐句翻译出符合中文语境的文本,但注意遇到英文断句,不要合并上下字幕,要保留原有的字幕时间轴英语文本顺序,结合上下文含义出当前断句的翻译。
2. 人名无需翻译,在翻译文本中保留英文人名,特别是《亿万》剧集里的常见角色人名:
Chuck Rhoades
Michael Prince
Wendy Rhoades
Mike Wagner
aylor Mason
Kate Sacker
Chuck Rhoades Sr
Daevisha “Dave” Mahar
Scooter Dunbar
Bradford Luke
Bobby Axelrod
3. 是英文srt字幕格式的文本,在英文文本上一行添加中文翻译,并保留英文文本。如示例
00:34:31,510 --> 00:34:34,750
I've studied it. And this is him. I'm sure of it.
00:34:31,510 --> 00:34:34,750
I've studied it. And this is him. I'm sure of it.