船名Dot Clam是谐音梗,和.com同音,港版的翻译是“妄站”,也就是和“网站”谐音,国内翻译成了“平静域”,把这个梗给翻没了,导致后面他们打电话调查的时候说有梗也看不出来
在她这个年纪可不常见 鲍夫
Not unusual in this day and age, bough.
除此之外 我还发现了一些绞线和两盒炸药
And I also found some garroting wire and two boxes of ammunition.
“杜松子酒店”将从3万英尺的高空中 以充满敌意的姿态出现
This gin palace will show up as a hostile from 30,000 feet.
已婚男人没有生活可言 鲍夫 伴随危险、持续不断旅行的生活...
This is no life for a married man, bough. The danger, the constant travel.
我们想法一样 他所在的机构真是虚有其名
And there you have I, two words that have no right being in the same sentence together.
新闻界煽风点火 唯一一个能拯救我们的人 你却指控他叛国罪The press is wetting itself, and the only person capable of saving us is the man you're accusing of high treason.
瞧瞧你!你想使用自己信赖的东西 但却又做不到!
Look at you! You couldn't use that thing if your life depended on it!