Tower.Heist.2011.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE | Tower Heist | 高楼大劫案 | 神偷军团 | 劏楼大盗
原创翻译 简体英语 SRT
87k 128 2014-1-3 04:34
总共发布过字幕 194522 条
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制作人:TraumaDoc 校订人:TraumaDoc 上传人:TraumaDoc Whoever the idiot was that uploaded the screwed up Chinese subs for this ... the -->was not correct - they must be spaces before and after the -->between time lines. Then they messed around and the lines after line 307 were "broken", etc. I repaired the file. It required replacing the 00's in the times, with 00, then they were screwed up as ?? and had to then replace the ?? with nothing. It doesn't matter - I repaired the file. It now works. I repackaged this with WORKING Chinese subs and the original working English ones. I am now working on a new combined Chinese + English file, but the morons who made these split lines, simple sentences into 2 or 3 lines each and if you combine files, then you get SIX lines of text and it's impossible to watch the movie with six lines of subs. So, I am editing them so it's more compact line by line. Whoever the stupid fool who uploaded the screwed up, broken, scamming Chinese subs should be strung up from a tree. I REPAIRED THE FILE ... THE CHINESE SUBS NOW WORK ... You can use them freely and combine them with the English if you like, but it'll be discrtacting since the idiot also split the sentences into multiple lines when NOT NEEDED. Enjoy the new working files .... I'll upload the combined srt file with eng/chn ASAP ... it takes time since there are 1800 lines of text for the time....
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